- hosting
This domain is provided as a service to UK filk, in order to ensure a continuity of web and email contacts from one year to the next, and maintain an archive of past conventions' web sites.
It's hosted by FilkNet, which is the service to the Filk community (and others) provided by Mike Whitaker and Rob Wynne. For more details on FilkNet, click here.
No-one's obliged to use it, of course. :) Come what may, FilkNet will provide (for those cons that choose not to) a web redirect from<your con name here>/ to the convention's website, and an email redirect from <your con name here> to the convention's main contact email. FilkNet can provide more email aliases with no problem.
If you want your site URL to be itself, however, there are a few conditions:
- The site must be hosted here. FilkNet will provide an upload account. Because FilkNet maintain an archive of past sites, it's difficult to redirect or repoint the domain name without breaking links to that. Note that it is entirely possible for us to provide CGI and PHP, and even database, access, if you need it.
- You must maintain a link to somewhere on your site, OR your own past cons page.
- You must provide a link to this page, with link text "hosted by FilkNet" somewhere on the front or 'about' page of your site.
- It's very much preferable (but is not mandatory) if your site is designed such that we can move it into a subdirectory when your con's over without breaking any of your links. Ideally, please start it in a subdir, and we'll provide a redirect from the home page.
The intent behind these conditions is not to be awkward, or picky - it simply makes things as practical as possible as regards administering the domain.
Please contact us at if you have any questions.
Note: these conditions (barring the 'hosted by' tag) have been in place as a verbal agreement with prior concoms since C14 or thereabouts - as we're in the process of revamping FilkNet and tidying up the server, we felt it was time to record it somewhere.