Guests of Honour
The fabulous Puzzlebox are a band that hail from the US (California, Utah, and Washington at last count). Its members are Paul Kwinn, Taunya Gren, Alisa Garcia, and Luis Garcia. They have a wonderful touch with both serious and silly songs, and combine beautiful harmonies with guitar, piano, drums, flute and percussion. They are also lovely, lovely people, and we think Semibreve will be richer for their company as well as for their music.
Deborah Crook
Deborah was dragged in to accompany the nMC's musical extravaganza Trial and Worry at Dixseption, and, to everyone's great delight, has never managed to find the escape route since. Over the years we've seen and heard her conduct the nMC, arrange music, write and perform songs, run the sound desk, accompany others on piano, violin, and viola, recite comical pieces, and wrangle her three equally ludicrously talented children in *their* musical endeavours. We are thrilled to have Deborah as our UK Guest of Honour and are eagerly looking forward to hearing her at Semibreve.