








Duple Time - the 24th UK Filk Con


Note: Duple Time has now concluded. Check out the next convention!

At this point in the convention, most of them say just "there will be a programme". Well, that's true, but we've got more than that, we actually have some idea what we're intending to do.


A primary part of filking is the open filk circles. As usual, we'll be having these. We have some slightly new twists which we want to try out, and some older ones which we'd like to bring back, so there'll be more about this later. Stay tuned...

Concert Slots

We're having these as well. An online form is linked above (Note: Duple Time has concluded, programme form is no longer active), here are some guidelines for applying.

  1. In general, if you've had a concert spot at the previous convention, don't expect one. Don't let this stop you applying, though, you never know and we might run out of people who want to perform and so call on you. Also, if the slot is for a band or other group they'll be more likely to get a slot, so why not join someone else and apply?
  2. In general, concert slots are likely to be 20 minutes for a short slot or 40 minutes for a long slot. For a group, however, we could make more time, like an hour. So ask for what you would like, and what you will accept (if you have something which can't be done in under 40 minutes, say so), and we'll see what we can fit in.
  3. We're going to be closing applications for concert slots around the end of November, so don't hesitate to sign up. Especially if you need to know well in advance so that you can practice, let us know (and mention that in the application).

"Main Concert", One-Shots, and the Auction.

This last con did something which FilkContinental have been doing for a while, and mixed the one-shots in with the auction. People seemed to like this, it breaks up the auction, keeps people in the room, and also covers the time taken to move people on and off and get them set up. So we're going to be doing the same (twice is a tradition, right?).


What's that 'V' word? Seriously, we would really appreciate it if people are willing to volunteer for some things, it will make things run smoothly. Things like an hour at the registration desk, helping people to get in and out of the room easily (we have several members who are mobility-impaired), keeping check of the time so that things don't overrun, helping with tech, etc. Please do look at the form and see if there's anything you can do to help. Thanks...

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